Monday, September 29, 2014

Class Newsletter

Hello Parents,

We are working hard to learn and understand place value in math.  We are making Place Value Houses and Cities.  We are also working on different ways to write a number.  This week we will be focusing on comparing numbers using place value understanding.  Students will start a Place Value Detective project and write about the number 1,000,000.  Please continue to practice multiplication problems.

SOAR Citizens of the Week

Aidan Canzater (Ms. Jacobs' Class), Ashari Smith (Ms. Kiser's Class), and Noah Reinecki (Ms. Poel's Class) are this week's SOAR Citizens.  They are true leaders in the classroom.  They are always the students who are meeting the expectations of the classroom.  I am so proud of these students.


Leader of the Pack

Our leader this week is Taylor Clark.  We are excited to have her as the leader this week.  She works extremely hard and puts forth her best effort in everything she does.


Dates to Remember 

Oct. 4        Cookie Dough Sale Begins
Oct. 7        Family Night
                  Book Fair Opens
Oct. 16      Student Holiday

Oct. 17      District Holiday
Oct. 23      Red Ribbon Weeks 

Oct. 24      End of 1st Nine Weeks
Oct 31       Half Day

Tonight's Homework 9/29

Jacobs Homeroom: Complete worksheet.  Use math notebook for help.  Here is also a video that talks more about Expanded, Standard, and Word Form. Homework Help

Poel/Kiser Homeroom: Complete/ correct worksheet.  Use math notebook for help.  You may need to draw out a place value chart and place the digits on the chart to help you.  Parents please ignore the grades. The grade on the paper is not the final grade.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tonight's Homework (9/23)

If your child is in Ms. Jacobs' homeroom class, your homework is to create 6 digit number and write the number in expanded form and unit form.

If your child is in Ms. Poel's and Ms. Kiser's homeroom class, your homework is to complete the math worksheet.  Here is a video link to help with this homework Lesson 3 Homework Help

Parents, if your child is having difficulty with the homework assignment, please do not do the work for them.  The homework will be reviewed in class and your child will have time to make adjustments to their work.

Grades have been updated for your to view.  If you have any questions, please email me

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tonight's Homework

Good afternoon parents,

Tonight's homework is to complete the math problem your child wrote in their math notebook.  They were given a rubric of how I will grade the assignment.  They also have an example problem we worked on in class.  Here is a link of how to do the homework as well. Homework Help

Please remember that tomorrow we are MAP testing so make sure your child gets a good night's sleep.

Ms. J

PS: Please don't forget to send in a Conference Request form (first come, first serve)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Newsletter for 9/12

Students have been working hard with following procedures and getting acclimated with their Chromebooks.  In math, we have been focusing on place value and interpreting multiplication sentences.  They are learning how to take notes in their Interactive Notebooks and making sure their work is organized and neat.  Please remember that the Notebooks will be graded each 9 weeks.  It is important to bring the Notebook to class every day so that they will not get behind on notes.  I will only look for work inside the notebook.

SOARing Citizens of the Week

Congratulations to Jayla Fletcher (Jacobs HR), Dyshawn Ragsdale (Poel HR), and Jarquez Young (Kiser HR) for receiving the SOARing Citizens award for this week. These students have been nominated by their homeroom teacher because they are always great examples of leaders in the classroom. I am proud of their efforts and the great character they display on a daily basis! Way to go Jayla, Dyshawn, and Jarquez!!!

Homeroom News

Our Leader of the Pack this week was Jackson Betette.  He was a great leader.  We loved the story he researched about a leader who worked hard to purify the water in Ohio and Michigan.  We also enjoyed the baby pictures he shared and the nice letter from his dad.
Parent Conference Request Forms
These have been sent home in Friday Family Folders.  Please fill the form out in its entirety. You will need to indicate 3 choices of times and dates that you prefer.  Conferences will be approved on a first come, first seared basis.  You will need to return this information ASAP.  The conferences will be held with all 3 teachers at one time.  You may look at the form below and email times and dates your prefer as early as today.
                        Dates to Remember

Sept. 25- Half Day/ Parent and teacher conferences

Oct. 24- End of the first nine weeks

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tonight's Homework (Jacobs and Poel Homeroom)

Tonight's homework is a reteaching assignment (Complete Problem Set Sheet).  Your child has had time to work on the assignment in class.  Here is a link to help you with the assignment Lesson 1. If this assignment takes your child more than 30 min, allow them to do what they can. They will have 5 min in class to work or ask questions.

Tomorrow we will be MAP Math testing.  Please make sure your child gets a good night's rest.  Encourage them to do their best.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

News from Ms. Jacobs- September 5

Our second week of school was productive and we are definitely in full swing.  We began discussing Place Value and Multiplication. We have also finished setting up our Interactive Math Notebooks.  This is a huge portion of your child’s grade so more information about the maintenance of the notebook will be coming next week.

We will also be MAP testing on Tuesday, September 9th and Thursday, September 11th for Reading and Math.  Please make sure you child gets a good night’s sleep the day before.

Conferences will be the week of September 22nd.  A form will soon be sent for you to sign up and choose the time that works for you.

SOAR Sticks - this year in 4th grade we are using a yardstick that is painted different colors and a clip system for students to have a visual cue for their behavior. If students are on GREEN they are “SOARing” (which means they are doing what they are supposed to be doing). If they clip up to BLUE they are “SOARing High” (which means they are always on task doing the right thing and sometimes going above and beyond). If they clip to PINK they are “SOARing Out of This World” (which means they are having an awesome day!) I have even had some students who have clipped off the stick to my lanyard. We will recognize the students who are on green, blue, or pink by placing a color coded smile in the agenda book. There may also be other small rewards such as pencils or stickers or a positive note home.
Bald, Eagle, Bird, Feather, Talon, Wing. Google+ Follow usOn the other hand, students who are not SOARing in class will be given a verbal warning and then they will be asked to move their clip down. YELLOW means they received a warning. ORANGE means the student did not improve his/her behavior and had to clip down again. RED will be a phone call home. Students who clip down to yellow or orange, do have an opportunity to clip back up, but they must make an awesome effort for the remainder of the day. It is our hope that all students will strive to stay on green or above.
Family Folders
New, Folder, Blank, Sign,Please make sure you check the Family Folder each week for important papers that may need to be signed and returned. It is important that these papers be filled out promptly and returned. Thank you to those of you who have been on top of that! We really need the pink updated student information sheets returned (most of you have already done so) because these tell us the most up-to-date phone and email information for you. We have run into several instances where phone numbers are not working when we try to call. Please make sure we have your updated information!!!

SOARing Citizens of the Week

Congratulations to Jackson Betette (Jacobs HR), Kyle Czarnecki (Poel HR), and Jayron Myers (Kiser HR) for receiving the first SOARing Citizens award. All of these boys have been doing an outstanding job of following directions, always being on task, and are very respectful. I am proud of their hard work for so far and look forward to more students following in their footsteps! Way to go Jackson, Kyle, and Jayron!!!

***If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email or call me.***
“Together we can!”
Ms. J

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tonight's Homework

Your child will need to write their own "10 times as many statement".  The objective is to interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison.  Challenge your child to teach you how to do this.  If you need extra help click here-----> Module 1 Lesson 1 or email me with your questions.