Your Practice Test Should Have...
Different Formats (not all): Multiple Choice, Constructed Response, Short Answer, Fill in the Blank
A minimum of 20 questions
Different Sections of your test:
- Parts of a Fraction/ Writing Fractions (3 questions)
- Fraction and Division (2 questions)
- Equivalent Fractions (3 questions)
- Simplest Form (3 questions)
- Converting Fractions (4 questions)
- Comparing Fractions (Like and Unlike Denominators)
- Adding Fractions (Like and Unlike Denominators)
-Subtracting Fractions (Like and Unlike Denominators)
- Multiplying Fractions (Whole number times a unit fraction)
- Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers- Like Denominators (2 questions)
*Please have an answer key because you will grade someone else's responses.
If a test has already been created students should either be working on someone else's test (on a separate sheet of paper) or grading someone else's test. They are the teacher.
This needs to be done by tomorrow.