Monday, April 20, 2015

Tonight's Homework 4/20

I have asked students to create practice test for the fractions unit.  They should be using their study guides and any practice problems to help them.  Here are some guidelines to help them if they are creating the test tonight.

Your Practice Test Should Have...
Different Formats (not all): Multiple Choice, Constructed Response, Short Answer, Fill in the Blank
A minimum of 20 questions
Different Sections of your test:
- Parts of a Fraction/ Writing Fractions (3 questions)
- Fraction and Division (2 questions)
- Equivalent Fractions (3 questions)
- Simplest Form (3 questions)
- Converting Fractions (4 questions)
- Comparing Fractions (Like and Unlike Denominators)
- Adding Fractions (Like and Unlike Denominators)
-Subtracting Fractions (Like and Unlike Denominators)
- Multiplying Fractions (Whole number times a unit fraction)
- Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers- Like Denominators (2 questions)

*Please have an answer key because you will grade someone else's responses.

If a test has already been created students should either be working on someone else's test (on a separate sheet of paper) or grading someone else's test.  They are the teacher.

This needs to be done by tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2015

This Week in Math

Good morning parents,

Last week was a little crazy with all the testing.  However, we have overcome.  I have been conferencing with your child about their MAP scores and have indicated the math strand that needs to be practiced on Front Row for them.  Remember that Front Row is used as a differentiation tool so that all students are practicing math skills on their specific levels.  Again, the class code is 4y23j6.  

If there are any questions about your child's classroom grade, please email me or call to set up a conference.  I will be happy to help in any way possible.  Extra credit will not be given for the remainder of this 9 weeks.  Students who completed the Spring Break packet has received 10 extra points.  This is the only extra credit I am giving due to the large amount of students.

I will be sending home a study guide sometime this week for your child to complete on Fractions.  My plan is to get through all the fractions information this week and start decimals next week.  I also plan to post help videos on all these concepts.  Please give me time as I will not be here tomorrow morning. 

It is always a pleasure to have great and trusting parents like you.  You have been so supportive.  I hope to continue a great rest of the year.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Tonight's Homework 4/6

Good afternoon parents,

This week we are doing MAP testing.  Tuesday (tomorrow) is reading and Thursday will be math.  If you look in your child's agenda, they will have a goal that they are trying to get for their Math MAP.  I do want you to encourage your child to try their best but not to panic.  We will be reviewing a lot of content for the week as well as for the rest of this month since state testing is at the end of this month.

Your child should have came home with a math packet.  They need to complete as much as they can. I do not want them spending more than 20 minutes on the packet.  I do want them getting proper sleep.  If you feel your child needs extra practice, they can always go on Front Row and complete the math strands.  The class code is 4y23j6.

Again please make sure your child gets enough sleep and eat a good breakfast so that they are fully engaged and committed to do their best on the MAP test.  There are incentives for students who meet their goals.

Have a great evening and look for more math practice homework in the following weeks.