Monday, January 26, 2015

Math Update 1/26

Good evening students and parents,

Before I go into math updates I just want to remind you all of some important dates.

Jan 25- Fundraiser packets are due
Jan 26- Class Picture Day (unfortunately I will not be here)
Jan 29- NASA Night
Feb 10- Field Trip (please have forms and money turned in by Feb. 2)

Congrats to all the GeoBee finalists especially the ones from the 4th grade Triad (Kristin Barr, Jackson Betette, and Sam Helman).  Congrats to Jackson for being the 2014-2015 GeoBee Champion.

Congrats to our Multiplication Bowl finalists for Block 1 Math (Jackson Betette, Aidan Canzater, and Jeremiah Pettis).  Jeremiah Pettis was the overall winner.   We will be doing another round of Multiplication Bowl so make sure students are diligently studying their multiplication.

Homework: My homework policy is that students take homework as practice time. This will help both student and teacher the following day if students have questions about their homework or need me to address any misunderstandings.  Please make sure students are doing their homework every night.

Students went home tonight with a study guide.  I strongly encourage for a parent signature so that parents are aware of upcoming tests and what is required for students to learn.  Here are some Youtube videos on the types of strategies students are learning for multiplication.  I cannot stress enough that we are not testing students on the standard algorithm.  Students just need to use a strategy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tonight's Homework/ Math Class Update

Good afternoon,
Welcome back from a restful 4 day weekend.  I hope you all are ready for the 3rd quarter!  In math, we are diving deeper into multiplication.  Please use whatever strategy necessary to build that multiplication fluency (i.e., paper/pencil, websites, flash cards).  Math Magician 1 is one link students can practice multiplication.  Math Magician 2 is the same site as Math Magician 1 but it is more challenging because it has 12's facts.  I have introduced students to Multiplication Practice.  I like this site because it allows students to input their answers and then have them checked online...IMMEDIATELY! Yes I know...a teacher's dream! 

The homework for tonight is a sheet for them to practice a multiplication strategy.  We are still multiplying multi-digit numbers.  Students have come to tell me they know or their parents have taught them the standard algorithm. This is great however in class I will only quiz them on strategies.  The expectation of knowing the standard algorithm is for 5th grade.  I just want students to fluently be able to multiply basic facts at mastery level.  I have no problem challenging your child but I'm only focusing on multiplication strategies.  Here is a video for parents who do not understand multiplying using the Area Model.

Dates to Remember:
Jan. 25- Last day for Fundraiser
Jan. 29- NASA Night
Feb 10- Field Trip: State Museum

Leaders of the Week
The leaders for this week are Kaya Shaw, Jaylen Sampson, and Dashawn Williams! Congrats guys.  These students SOAR and display the 7 Habits on a weekly basis.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tonight's Homework 1/7/15

Good evening parents,

Tonight's homework is for students to study their multiplication.  There is a multiplication bowl and multiplication master challenge that will occur tomorrow during math time.  

Tomorrow is a ketchup and pickle day for students so they can raise low assignment/test grades and complete incomplete assignments.  

Today students participated in a math review on Kahoot.  I have realized that some students still have not mastered rounding, multi-digit addition and subtraction, and place value.  Please practice with students on these things.  Here are some ways they can practice:

  •  Create a number (start with numbers in a smaller place value and then work up to hundred thousands)
    • identify the place value of digits (Example: 23,874 What is the value of the 8? What is the value of the 4?)
    • round to a place value (Example: 458,876 Round to the nearest ten. Round to the nearest hundred. Round to the nearest ten thousand)
  • Create numbers for them to add or subtract
    • Challenge them with numbers they will need to regroup (Example: 30,456+7,862 or 67,200-56,211)
Thanks for all your support. Together we can.

PS: Thank you parents for allowing your child to bring holiday gifts.  I appreciated them all and I am humbled by the love that was shown.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome Back! Welcome Back! Jan. 5, 2015

Happy New Years!  I hope you all have had a relaxing Winter Break.  I definitely did.  I am well relaxed and ready to go!  

We are still in the 2nd 9 Weeks, but we only have until next Thursday.  Yes, yes.  I am updating grades all this week and next week.  There will be grades added in as well in the near future.  I am aiming to have grades completed by Tuesday (Jan 13.)  Grades posted by then will be the most accurate representation of what will be on your child's report card.  With that being said, I am still going to have Ketchup and Pickle days.  This week it will be on Thursday and Friday.  Next week, it will be Monday only. I tell the students every day, "I'm not trying to fail you.  I want you to be successful in everything you do."  This means that if your child has a grade that is a D or below, trust and believe I am trying my hardest to have small groups and allow students to correct mistakes.

I want the remainder of the year to be as successful as possible.  With that being said,  I will do better with uploading homework help videos and I will use my blog more frequently so that your child has help outside of school as well.

Your child's homework tonight is to practice their multiplication.  These links (Math Magician- Basic Multiplication and Math Magician- Multi-Leveled Multiplication) are what we use in class to help study.  The key right now is to get students to master their basic facts from 0-12.  This is a 3rd grade standard, however there are quiet a few students who are still not at mastery.  I have started two programs to help build multiplication fluency.  One is Multiplication Master and the other is the Multiplication Bowl.  Again, give your child 10 min to work on multiplication facts using the link.  They may need your help inputting the answers in the space.

Best wishes and I'm looking forward to an also 2nd half!

Ms. J