Before I go into math updates I just want to remind you all of some important dates.
Jan 25- Fundraiser packets are due
Jan 26- Class Picture Day (unfortunately I will not be here)
Jan 29- NASA Night
Feb 10- Field Trip (please have forms and money turned in by Feb. 2)
Congrats to all the GeoBee finalists especially the ones from the 4th grade Triad (Kristin Barr, Jackson Betette, and Sam Helman). Congrats to Jackson for being the 2014-2015 GeoBee Champion.
Congrats to our Multiplication Bowl finalists for Block 1 Math (Jackson Betette, Aidan Canzater, and Jeremiah Pettis). Jeremiah Pettis was the overall winner. We will be doing another round of Multiplication Bowl so make sure students are diligently studying their multiplication.
Homework: My homework policy is that students take homework as practice time. This will help both student and teacher the following day if students have questions about their homework or need me to address any misunderstandings. Please make sure students are doing their homework every night.
Students went home tonight with a study guide. I strongly encourage for a parent signature so that parents are aware of upcoming tests and what is required for students to learn. Here are some Youtube videos on the types of strategies students are learning for multiplication. I cannot stress enough that we are not testing students on the standard algorithm. Students just need to use a strategy.